Alberta Prestige Roofing Covid-19 Response
Alberta Prestige Roofing is committed to protecting the health and safety of all its employees, customers, suppliers, and the general public.
We fulfilling this commitment, and in response to the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus we have put new operational procedures in place. These changes will allow APR to continue with our operations while safely servicing Calgarians until restrictions are removed.
APR will be following all applicable recommendations made by the Federal and Provincial Governments as well as all the
instructions given by Alberta Health Services and will be taking all appropriate steps to ensure everyone’s safety during our operations.
APR has made adjustments to our inspection process and respectfully request the assistance of our customers.
APR will be carrying out these new guidelines and procedures during each appointment.
Most of our services do not require face to face interaction and can be done over the phone or e-mails, or outside of the property,
respecting the physical distancing recommendations. All of our technicians will follow these instructions:
Calling the client upon arrival to the site to gain access and permission to enter the property.
(APR avoids knocking on doors, ringing doorbells and face to face interaction).
Sanitize their hands prior to entering any property.
Maintain 6 feet distance at all times.
Proceed directly to the attic.
APR does our utmost best to limit touching anything in the property other than the hatch structure.
Upon leaving the property, the technician will once again sanitize their hands.
What Alberta Prestige Roofing needs from our clients:
If you have tested positive or have possibly come into contact with the virus,
please contact our office immediately so that your appointment can be rescheduled for a later date.
Please ensure that all doors leading to the attic hatch are opened and that all light sources are already turned on
(please note that these lights will be left on after the technician has performed their work).
Please ensure that we have clear access to the hatch at all times, our technicians will not move or touch anything that may be in the way.
Please follow physical distancing recommendations and maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and the technician.
We want to thank everyone for their support and cooperation in these trying times.
Thank you for choosing Alberta Prestige Roofing.
Stay safe everyone!